Chocolate Raspberry Razzle Dazzle (52teas)

What a name! That’s a lot to live up to. The name conjures up vaudeville acting and stage plays for me. Add to that spectacular the fact that I love raspberries more than any other fruit… and I think we might have a winner on our hands with this Chocolate Raspberry Razzle Dazzle from 52 Teas.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 3/3/4
Company 52 Teas
Blend Name Rawrmonster’s Chocolate
Raspberry Razzle Dazzle
Blend Base Black
Country of Origin USA
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $7.99 USD
Quantity ~ 2 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

The dry leaves in this tea are a complex and dark visual. Dark black tea leaves combine with dark brown chocolate shavings and large raspberry chunks to provide a tart but sweet chocolatey aroma.

Once brewed, this tea shows a cloudy maple-amber liquor and gives off an aroma reminiscent of chocolate and spice.

The texture is more astringent than I’d imagined. Though this tea has an easy finish it does dry the tip of the tongue a bit. Chocolate sweetness with raspberry tartness are what I get from the brew’s flavor profile.

It’s worth noting that I tried this tea with milk at the suggestion of another consumer on the 52teas website and I enjoyed it even more this way!

I recommend this tea to those who enjoy fruity teas, adding sugar or sweetener to their teas, adding milk to their teas, and fans of chai and milk teas.

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