Vanilla Bean Chai (52teas)

There are many ways to make chai. Even within India itself different regions prepare this classic beverage differently. I have had fantastic coconut and pumpkin spice chai blends. All are twists on the base masala recipe for chai. This Vanilla Bean Chai from 52teas is a nice soothing blend.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 3/3/3
Company 52teas
Blend Name Vanilla Bean Chai
Blend Base Black
Country of Origin USA
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $7.99 USD
Quantity ~ 2 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

Masala chai (which means tea in Hindi) is a wonderfully complex beverage. A blend of CTC style Assam with cardamom, cinnamon, ginger and more offers a veritable cornucopia of flavors to entertain your palate.

Masala chai is consumed the world over in a great many styles and flavors as well. Different regions in India make this classic beverage different ways. Some add plenty of milk and sugar, some drink it without softening, and others simply differ on the proportion of each ingredient.

This Vanilla Bean Chai from 52teas is a wonderfully unique tea with a palatable flavor profile even without the softening effects of milk and sugar. I’ve always preferred chai with those items though. It could be because that’s how some Indian friends of mine have taught me to make it. Or simply because that’s how I’ve always had it.

I don’t mind stepping outside the box now and again, and I’ve frequently enjoyed the flavors Frank over at 52teas has been able to put together for everyone. This chai is no exception there.

The dry mix has plenty of vanilla bean pieces and large ginger root chunks. A closer look reveals large brown pieces of cinnamon amongst the CTC Assam pellets as well. The dry aroma contains more vanilla and cardamom than anything else.

The concoction brews a dark amber liquor which provides wonderfully spicy aroma. Here I catch more cinnamon and ginger amongst the malty Assam freshness and light vanilla sweetness.

This very flavorful brew has plenty going on. While it dries the palate quickly and remains astringent throughout it’s less stern than I expected. Perhaps that’s the vanilla beans speaking. The cinnamon and cardamom blend well with the ginger and the lightly malty Assam to create an easy to drink tea.

I recommend this blend to fans of vanilla, ginger and chai. If you don’t like spiced teas or cinnamon you will not enjoy this blend.

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