A first

Originally posted in 2007

No, not a message on some interesting topic I'm sure you would love to read about. Instead, you are hereby graced with the wonders of my cooking skills. Read on for my first recipe posted online. I'll have a PDF page posted another time where you can download my recipes and perhaps even a menu of my concoctions.

Good luck, and deity-speed.

Vegetarian Kimchi Rice (Spicy)


.25 lbs Korean Kimchi
1 cup Japanese Short Grain Rice
1 skillet
1 rice steamer


  1. Steam 1 Cup Japanese Short Grain Rice until plump but firm. (Best to place enough water in a steamer for the water level to rise just over the thickness of your hand from the top of the rice.)
  2. Heat skillet to med-hi on the stove, with no butter or non-stick spray (as it detracts from the taste)
  3. After the skillet is heated, add .25 lbs Korean Kimchi to the skillet. Layer evenly.
  4. Once Korean Kimchi is heated, add 1 cup of Steamed Japanese Short Grain Rice to the skillet. Stir until rice and Kimchi are mixed to the desired level (rice is usually a bit pink).
  5. Serve.


* Serves 1
** Food is spicy for most people
*** Best taste comes from the use of a heavily worn-in Iron Skillet. No-Stick skillets may detract from best-case taste, but do well enough.