A Nation Still Under Construction

After my trip to Washington D.C. this past week I recognize an important part of being an American... construction. Not so much in the physical sense (although this is very true), as much as in the metaphorical sense.

See, our nation is only a few hundred years old. We’re VERY young, not even a toddler compared to other nations such as England, Germany, Italy, Japan, or China. Seriously, those nations have THOUSANDS of years behind them. Capitalism and American democracy are still in their infancy and we haven’t been able to truly see them grow to their potential yet. While there may be growing pains (cough Bush cough), they’re nothing our nation can’t bounce back from with great resiliency.

My greatest fear is of the fact that Americans aren’t feeding into the system of construction which is how our government has become so corrupt, especially as of late. How is it that a nation of people brought up to place input into things and make their opinion heard (whether it’s always desired, or not) seem to not care which direction our nation is heading in, until all of a sudden we’re doomed!?!

9/11 was a wonderful wake-up call. Now, I’m not saying 9/11 was a good thing, but surely in the great scheme of things it certainly HAS caused a larger number of Americans to become involved in our political system. Or is that just George W. Bush?

More tomorrow.