Anji Duet (Adagio Teas)

This Anji Duet from Adagio Teas is a light Chinese green tea with flavor reminiscent of a Sencha, but nothin like its Japanese bretheren in any way.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/2/3
Company Adagio Teas
Blend Name Anji Duet
Blend Base Green
Country of Origin China
Package Type Canister
Price per Package $7.95 USD
Quantity ~ 4 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

The light green teas’ leaves are long needles. They’re maybe an inch and a half in length and stronger than you’d expect (if one were to try and break them… not that I did that or anything…). The dry aroma is grassy with hints of what I would call morning dew.

Brewed, the liquor comes out a light honey gold and an aroma that’s honeyed with some grassy notes and subtle floral hints. The aroma from the liquor is quite subtle though.

The flavor here is more direct. I found a grassy flavor at the start, almost akin to a Japanese Sencha but floral notes in the finish similar to a Jasmine. There’s plenty in this teas’ profile to pay attention to and to keep your palate interested.

This tea is notably astringent in the finish with a strong drying of the tongue and light drying of the palate.

I would recommend this tea to fans of Jasmine green teas, Senchas, Gunpowder greens, floral teas and white teas.

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