Keemun Rhapsody (Adagio Teas)

Friday is Black Tea, Floral Tea, Fruit Tea, Chai and Pu’erh Review Day!

There are some really great black teas out there. Some very robust. Some smoky. Some earthy. This Keemun blend from Adagio is a fantastic every day brew.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 3/3/3
Company Adagio Teas
Blend Name Keemun Rhapsody
Blend Base Black
Country of Origin China
Package Type Loose in tin
Price per Package $18.00
Quantity 4 ounces
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

Teas come in all shapes and sizes. The Keemun region in China is a great example of a place which can cultivate particularly nuances teas in one field and in another… you can end up with an unremarkable brew.

This Keemun from Adagio is somewhere in the middle. Its black and gold curled leaves brew a redish-brown to dark amber liquor with hints of yellow toward the edge.

The aroma has hints of smokiness but much less so than even a typical Keemun. Notes of a peach sweetness hide in there as well.

The flavor provides those same semi-tones of smokiness, notes of astringency which dry the palate but provide a pleasing texture.

This tea isn’t too bold, and it has a slight tail which seems to hold on for a while.

Some would consider this tea unremarkable. I consider it surprisingly balanced and could drink it almost every day either in the morning or with a mild lunch. Add a little honey for sweetness and it would pair very well with melon fruits and stone fruits like cantaloupe or peaches.

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