Announcement: Changes Coming This Summer

I’ve been planning this for a couple weeks now but thought I’d let you all know… will be undergoing a major rebranding this summer. A completely new look and feel combined with new review types and a lot more imagery will really make your go-to place for tea reviews, news, history and culture!

When I started this site at the beginning of February it was an experiment to see if it would be worthwhile. Essentially to see if enough traffic could be generated to warrant continuing as a brand on my own or if becoming a “contributing writer” for another site sich as Teaviews would be the better avenue to take.

With a few thousand visits since launch and visitors from around the world, I have to say… you’ve really made the endeavor worthwhile. I can justify putting even more time and effort into making the site feel like its own place and not like it’s some little template based website.

I’ve started a number of sites on my own over the years, some successful, some not. I’ve even assumed a leading role on a number of community websites for a period of time as well… but nothing can beat the enthusiasm I have for this site and the world community of tea drinkers!

I hope you’ll continue to follow Tea-Guy as the site undergoes some growing pains in the next few months and expands to cover more and more interesting content while we learn together.


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