Cinnamon Fig Black Tea (Art of Tea)

Fig. Figgy pudding. Fig. I do love figs. They’re underutilized here in The States I think. This Organic Cinnamon Fig Black Tea from Art of Tea is worth a look-see if you happen to have a taste for the figgy goodness.

Quick Info
FAB* Rating 4/4/4
Company Art of Tea
Blend Name Cinnamon Fig
Blend Base Black
Country of Origin USA
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $12.00 USD
Quantity ~ 4 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

Art of Tea was nice enough to send me a handful of samples of some teas they sell. Among them was this Cinnamon Fig tea which I was pretty excited for.

The loose leaves are dark brown and black with notably large cinnamon bits mixed in. The bits are fairly abundant as well. Once the leaves have steeped they’re notably more brownish and appear more choppy.

The aroma is instantly intoxicating. The cinnamon comes through perfectly balanced with the fig. The scents remain balanced but do grow stronger once brewed. Look for hints of raisin if you try this one. They’re very subtle!

The flavors provide a unique taste. Converting the huddled masses to figs won’t happen overnight, that’s for sure. The astringent texture oddly subdues if brewed longer.  But so does the cinnamon.

Cinnamon Fig Black Tea

Fans of  52teas’ Cinnamon Fig Rooibos will enjoy this tea greatly.