Grandpa's Birthday + Holiday Parties + A Date + The Bengals Bash & The Trivantis Holiday Party
So my birthday was this past weekend (Sunday actually. I turned 24. But on Saturday night there were two parties to go to.
San Francisco - Day One
So I awoke rather early for my trip to San Francisco after preparing for the trip rather expediently the day before. Paul drove me to CVG in time for my flight.
Nick Lachey, Dancing, Photos, Women, Reds Fest 2006 and more!
I have been dancing four times in the past three weeks. It's fantastic. My knee still hurts from four weeks ago (when some idiot stepped into it), but every time I go out it gets a little better.
Thanksgiving Dinner
So I cooked almost everything for my Thanksgiving meal.
Work let out early today (1 p.m.) so I went to Kroger and bought all the usual Thanksgiving things like a turkey, some cranberry sauce, gravy, stuffing, green beans, onion fries, and cream of mushroom soup (for green bean casserole).
Catching up ...
On Friday I went out to see "James Bond: Casino Royale", and on Saturday it was "Stranger than Fiction" and "Happy Feet". And man oh man did I LOVE Happy Feet!
My Balloting Story and the Flu
In closing here's the rehash of how my voting story went last week...
Aretha, no ... Kira
For those who love me, here's a clip of Jean Schmidt unable to cast her ballot.
NO F'ing Way!
David Pepper won control of Hamilton County away from Phil Heimlich whose offices were fraught with corruption and embezzlement along with misspending of government funds for pork projects, unethical disbursement of funds, and preferential treatment of contractors.
"Heroes" & CU @ The Bar
Tomorrow's the BIG day! The day when America stands up and shows the world what a Democratic Republic is supposed to be like, but ousting corrupt politicians and voting in a new, regime of lesser evil.