Chris Giddings

Chris Giddings

Cincinnati, Ohio USA
Crazy about video games, tea, technology, baseball, and learning things.
Profile on Kodo

Profile on Kodo

This character profile is Part 9 in a series where I am using ChatGPT to write stories, and MidJourney to generate visuals.
2 min read
An image of me, behind a transparent poll box on a pedestal, generated by MidJourney.

GiddyUp Subscriber Content Poll (Nov 2023)

1 min read
A random image generated by MidJourney using the film's title, and my branding colors.

Recommended Watch: Flora and Son

This post acts as a review of FLora and Son, a 2023 film release from Apple that I give two thumbs up.
2 min read
Profile on Emma Violet

Profile on Emma Violet

This character profile is Part 8 in a series where I am using ChatGPT to write stories, and MidJourney to generate visuals.
2 min read
Profile on Nokaguchi Kaede

Profile on Nokaguchi Kaede

This character profile is Part 7 in a series where I am using ChatGPT to write stories, and MidJourney to generate visuals.
2 min read
An image of me with a wolf in the wilderness. Generated by MidJourney.

Book Review: Braving the Wilderness by Dr. Brene Brown

In this post, I provide a brief review of Dr. Brene Brown's 2017 book "Braving the Wilderness."
2 min read
An image of Iijima Hiro generated using MidJourney

Profile on Iijima Hiro

This character profile is Part 6 in a series where I am using ChatGPT to write stories, and MidJourney to generate visuals.
2 min read
Refining the Look of Our Characters for Consistency

Refining the Look of Our Characters for Consistency

In this rather lengthy post, I walk through a detailed process for taking a character and getting more consistent, relatable, and emotional results from them using MidJourney.
16 min read
An image of Yamamoto Renata generated using MidJourney

Profile on Yamamoto Renata

This character profile is Part 5 in a series where I am using ChatGPT to write stories, and MidJourney to generate visuals.
2 min read
An imaged generated by MidJourney using the title of this post as the prompt

Five Powerful MidJourney Tricks

So, without rehashing all the basics of MidJourney, what can you do to help go from a MidJourney newbie to a MidJourney power user? In this post, I'll give you 5 simple tools to do just that.
6 min read