Canned Politics & More

Politics, like a slippery salamander, seems to have issues being controlled properly. Paul Hackett was forced out of his race by the Ohio Democratic party. Hackett had the best chance of winning votes for the Dems. Hackett, myself, and thousands of Dems around the country are very peeved about the incident. While the chosen candidate to run may be a good one, he is NOT nearly as good as Hackett, and this issue should never have arisen.

As is typical of issues like this one, a new party may be forming in the wings. Though Paul Hackett will likely not be a member, his ideals and ‘Fight for Right’ mentality should be carried on. I have spoken with several political figures and some analysts and we all agree that a third major party to be born would be a fabulous undertaking and for the betterment of our country. The difficult part will be choosing the candidates properly and winning the endorsement in a State so deadly to politics as Ohio.

This new party is something of a dream at the moment, but I hope to win support for it. There is no name yet, and no firm stance on any issues. But the party’s goals would be to steal the ‘middle’ of the road American votes from both the Democrats and the Republicans. This strategy would ultimately shrink the other two major parties and grow ours at the same time. This is, of course, still something of a challenge. Tricky/Sticky issues such as abortion, stem cell research, gay marriage, and the like are all things that will undoubtedly hit the table and will need a stance. I don’t want to interject my own opinions as my desire is for the party to ultimately work for the betterment at the support of its constituency.

The dream is for a party that would allow a member to run for any office based on the opinion support from his or her own constituency, thus building their platform upon the concerns of their own districts as opposed to the current system which forces certain stands onto candidates based upon party affiliated views. I would like this avoided.

The party would HAVE to abide by constitutional principles building for a smaller leaner government. Removing decisions from the Federal level that should be at the State or Local levels, thereby reducing costs and high-level government interjection.

Still a pipe dream. Opinions? Mail them to me!