Colorado Tea Tour (Part 1)

Colorado Tea Tour

There’s something intrinsically wondrous about the Denver and Boulder area in Colorado. The air is clean and clear. The wildlife diverse, and the nature beautiful in so many ways.

There’s another side to this metro area in the mountains though. An extreme diversity of tea and tea companies makes this area one of several real escapes for passionate tea drinkers in the US.

As a self-proclaimed avid tea drinker I have to say I was impressed by my trip.

This is a three part series: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Upon arriving in the area on a Friday morning, and after having been disappointed by the Peet’s Tea I’d been left to drink before takeoff in Cincinnati, I immediately went to PekOe Sip House. PekOe is a nice, modernist take on a simple tea house. It’s clean and bright inside with nearly 100 teas to select from.

I chose a simple Yunnan Pu’erh and did enjoy it. I savoured it’s mossy flavours and rough textures. There’s something about Pu’erhs which comforts me, and this was a mighty fine example of this type of tea. I did not ask, but I presumed it to be artificially aged.

My friend Susan in front of the PekOe Sip House

While at PekOe my companion and I shared tea and conversation with a number of locals. There was a father and his young boy whom we had a great time speaking to. I had overheard the father ordering something not on the menu and was curious about this “Uncle Andrew’s Wellness Blend.”

On my way out I bought some of this blend and will have a review of it at some point in the future. I was also invited to a tea tasting ceremony on Sunday by one of the staffers!

Me sipping some tea inside the PekOe Sip House

After PekOe Sip House a few things about Boulder were apparent to me. The local culture is fantastic! The mountain views were stunning! And the tea was good!

Stop back next week for my Saturday recap, including The Tattered Cover Bookstore, The Denver Art Museum, City-O-City Cafe, My Brother’s Bar and more!

A third instalment will cover the happenings on Sunday, including the tea ceremony, a visit to the Boulder Dushanbe Tea House (a gift from the nation of Tajikistan), the mountain sunset views and more!