Earl Grey Milk Tea (3:15 PM)

Milk teas are incredibly relaxing when done well. Most especially when freshly made at a tea house you like. 3:15PM, a brand by Shi Chen in Taiwan has done fairly well with their bagged milk tea variants for ‘instant milk tea.’ Check out my thoughts on this Earl Grey Milk tea by 3:15 PM.

Quick Info
FAB* Rating 4/4/2
Company 3:15 PM /
Shi Chen
Blend Name Earl Grey
Milk Tea
Blend Base Black
Country of Origin Taiwan
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $6.00 USD
Quantity ~ 8.00 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

I reviewed another 3:15 PM Milk Tea a while back. The Roasted Milk Tea I tried was pretty good. I think the relative quality of the 3:15PM products is fairly high.

The tea material is packed in a nicely printed, vacuum sealed individually wrapped package. The white powder from the ‘milk’ in the milk tea can clearly be seen in the encompassed bag and along the insides of the wrapped foil package. Once brewed, the liquor turns a milky off-white, trending toward tan or khaki.

The dry aroma is clearly filled with bergamot, but lighter than initially expected. Honestly a nice surprise. Careful not to breathe in too deep, you’ll end up with milk powder in your nose! The brewed aroma is light and sweet, clearly full of bergamot.

The liquor is full, smooth and sweet with a slight citrusy sour twinge in the finish. Just as with most things Earl Grey, there’s not a whole lot of nuance here to speak of. It’s earl grayish and it’s milk tea, and they seem fairly well blended.

Earl Grey Milk Tea from 3:15 PM

This tea lacks astringency and power brought on in most earl grey blends. There’s nothing particularly strong here except the skill with which the blend was produced. It’s well balanced and easy to drink.

Fans of  anything bergamot will enjoy this tea. Fans of other milk teas are also likely to enjoy this blend. If you’re avoiding lactose or sugar products, avoid this tea as it contains copies amounts of both..