Pacific Breeze (Essencha)

Wednesday is Green Tea, White Tea, Rooibos, Oolong and Tisane (Herbal) Review Day!

Those who know my tastes understand that floral teas have never been my favorite. So it comes as a surprise that this floral Green tea blend from Essencha is surprisingly pleasing to the palette.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/4/2
Company Essencha
Blend Name Pacific Breeze
Blend Base Green Tea
Country of Origin USA
Package Type Loose in Pouch
Price per Package $11.00
Quantity 4 ounces
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

I’ve been receiving an amazing amount of tea for review over the past couple months and nitend to review each and every one of the blends I’ve received.

This blend in particular had me buzzing anew for floral blends as soon as I took in the aroma of its dried leaves! The smell of sweet dried strawberries is intoxicating and it persists once it’s been brewed. Think of the smell and taste of the strawberries you might find included in cereals, and you’ll know what I mean.

Pacific Breeze builds its flavor from its base Green tea and the Pneapple and Papaya chunks included in the blend. Essencha doesn’t note what flower the blue buds are from, but I’m hinging my bets on a Blue Mallow.

The brew has a creamy sweet buttery flavor that coats the mouth. It doesn’t detract from the sweet dried strawberry flavor I noted earlier. In fact, it might even help spread those strawberry notes spread to all the senses. I’m sure it also helps those flavors linger for a while as well.

Oddly, the Green tea base remains remarkably subdued leading to a very light rating for boldness. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this blend to anyone who enjoys strawberries or a great Green tea blend.