Excuse Me ...

I’ve updated the political section here a smidgeon. I’ve beefed up the links on the main politics page a LOT, and I’ve added a new section in Politics that will cover my ancestor Representative Joshua Reed Giddings who served for the United States House of Representatives for nearly twenty-five years before retiring and becoming consulate to Canada under Abraham Lincoln. I’m totally huge on this guy. Watch for this section to grow quickly!!! I’ll even list ISBN numbers in case anyone is interested in some ‘light’ reading. :P

So lots of political goings on recently. Coretta Scott King, the widow of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. passed away last week. Her funeral was on Tuesday, and I can’t believe the crap that went down. The woman should be as celebrated as a dignitary. She worked her entire life to bring about her husband’s dream and she almost single-handedly drove wedges into important culture-changing issues that lead to REAL reforms.

So, why the hell is it that at her funeral everyone was taking potshots at George W. Bush? Seriously, WTF? Okay, so I don’t like the guy. Nay, I REALLY don’t like the guy. But a funeral is not the place or the time to be taking political jabs at the opposition simply because you can. I am ashamed of President Jimmy Carter and others including Bobby Kennedy (who had secret wiretaps placed on Dr. King while he was still alive) who decided the time was right and that Mrs. King’s eulogy should be made into a politically justifiable roast for Dictator Bush. It makes me completely ILL to think that ANYONE thought it was a good idea, let alone former presidents of the United States, and senior dignitaries.


I found today a couple of politician pages on MySpace. Interesting idea to build a grassroots campaign with a very sought-after demographic (young voters). Paul Hackett, Anthony Caldwell, Zack Space, and several other Ohio politicians. This trend is disturbing enough. TONS of other politicians have supporters who’ve created MySpace account pages for them. I’ll politiBlog more in the next couple of days.