Bancha (Harney & Sons)

Bancha is used as a base for so many different teas. We see it in stuff Frank over at 52teas makes. We see it in most bagged green teas. We even see it in iced green teas and as a base for blended greens like Genmaicha. This Bancha from Harney & Sons is a nice quality brew.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/4/4
Company Harney & Sons
Blend Name Bancha
Blend Base Green
Country of Origin Japan
Package Type Tin
Price per Package $6.25 USD
Quantity ~ 4 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

Bancha is used as a base for so many different teas. We see it in stuff Frank over at 52teas makes. We see it in most bagged green teas. We even see it in iced green teas and as a base for blended greens like Genmaicha. This Bancha from Harney & Sons is a nice quality brew.

The thick gritty looking green leaves put off a nice grassy smell when dry, but once brewed the leaves smell more of roasted leeks than grass and carries a mild sweetness.

This tea brews a bright yellow liquor and the flavor is a bit more astringent than I expected, but contains notes of collard greens, steamed brussels sprouts and a vegetal smoothness similar to artichoke.

There’s a light drying of the palate and the vegetal tones from this tea have a long tail from the finish.

I recommend this tea to fans of any Japanese green tea, be it Genmaicha, Hojicha or Spring Rose tea. Fans of the more shade grown teas from Japan such as Gyokuro or other Fukamushi style teas may find this tea hit or miss.

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