Ginger's Oolong (Harney & Sons)

Wednesday is Green Tea, White Tea, Rooibos, Oolong and Tisane (Herbal) Review Day!

With so many great Oolong teas out there I sometimes find it difficult to select one I feel is worth sampling. This is the first Oolong I’ve reviewed here, and it’s a doosey! This blend from Harney is downright delicious!

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/3/4
Company Harney & Sons
Blend Name Ginger’s Oolong
Blend Base Oolong Tea
Country of Origin China
Package Type Loose in tin
Price per Package $12.00 USD
Quantity 5oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

It used to be that I was opposed to Oolong teas. I’m not sure exactly why… but my guess would be poor quality tea at chain Chinese food places. Well, now that I have rectified that issue and moved forward in progress I can say truthfully that I appreciate the subtleties inherent in different batches of Oolong from different regions. This is a tea of natural variety!

Harney & Sons’Ginger’s Oolong” is one of the finer flavored Oolongs I’ve tried. Flavorful and bold this blend has become one of my favorites!

If you’ve had Harney’s “Peaches & Ginger” you’ll recognize the overtones in this blend. Light on the palette, but every so slightly stern with the tail this blend is bold and decisive. I usually feel a couple extra bonus points to my charisma when this one’s in my mug.

The blending of the Peaches & Ginger with Harney’s own Formosa style Oolong provides a uniquely falvorful blend well balanced and enjoyable.

The aroma inherited by Ginger’s Oolong from the Peaches & Ginger blend is enticing if you already enjoy it. If you haven’t had it, I imagine it to be an aluring one indeed. The ginger comes through as quite the highlight. The peaches offer a monotone flavor enhancement subdued but clearly present. Expect the Formoso to break through into the aroma after your first sip. It’s been hiding the whole time!

This blend has some bite to it. There’s a clear round of bitter angst in the aftertaste which I have come to enjoy more often than not. Yet, there’s a longing left on the tongue for more which you’ll undoubtedly be drawn to placate.