Kagoshima Sencha (Harney & Sons)

Wednesday is Green Tea, White Tea, Rooibos, Oolong and Tisane (Herbal) Review Day!

I often find myself falling into the need for a nice comfort tea. Something simultaneously relaxing, delicious and interesting for my palatte. This Kagoshima style Japanese Sencha from Harney & Sons fits the bill.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 5/4/3
Company Harney & Sons
Blend Name Kagoshima Sencha
Blend Base Green
Country of Origin Japan
Package Type Bag
Price per Package $16.00 USD
Quantity 4 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

Over the past couple years while my tea habit has been on a steady upswing, I’ve noticed a couple tea I often gravitate towards when I need to relax, or unwind. Kagoshima style Japanese Sencha has been one of my greatest comfort teas. Yes, this tea from Harney & Sons seems to be one of the best of this style I have had to date.

The bright green leaves appear like extremely thin grass clippings. Almost shards or needles in shape.

The aromas once steeped are buttery with a mild hint of sweetness that shines through rather nicely. Prior to steeping the leaves smell of grass and lightly buttered toast.

This tea has subtle vegetal notes of spinach, leeks and artichoke. There’s not much tail to speak of, but if you let the tea rest in your mouth a bit the buttery sweetness draws you back for more.

I would recommend this tea for anyone who enjoys either lighter Japanese or Chinese green teas. Those who prefer a stronger brew could probably skip this tea… but I’d still recommend giving it a shot!



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