Wenshan Baozhong (Harney & Sons)

Wenshan Baozhong. The name just rolls off my tongue. It’s an interesting name. Instantly I know it’s Chinese or Taiwanese. I assume it’s an Oolong for some reason. I’m right. This creamy Oolong from Harney & Sons is a palate pleaser.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/4/2
Company Harney & Sons
Blend Name Wenshan Baozhong
Blend Base Oolong
Country of Origin Taiwan
Package Type Canister
Price per Package $15 USD
Quantity ~ 2 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

The Taiwanese call Wenshan Baozhong their most aromatic Oolong. I can believe it.

Visually the leaves are tightly coiled dark green to black. Some are curved others more straight. It’s an interesting array of colors especially considering the light color of the liquor which brews a middle green, like a fresh Sencha from Japan.

The aroma is extremely complex. While descriptions give it lilac I certainly note it’s gardenia counterpart. There’s a buttery sweetness to the aroma here as well as a hint of stewed chard.

The flavor is creamy, coating the tongue and mouth. A slight astringent bite when you breathe in is left to tease the senses. This tea certainly knows how to play!

While not very bold, this tea’s subtle pleasures and unique aromas and textures provide for a very interesting brew. I’d recommend this tea for Oolong fans of all kinds, enthusiasts of darker green teas such as Gyokuro or lighter ones such as Pi Lo Chun should find this an equally pleasing brew.

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