"Heroes" & CU @ The Bar
Okay, so anybody who anybody knows I love the NBC show called Heroes! Freaking awesome despite what the Newsweek reviewer says.
Tonight's episode was pretty good. We learned something I'd been expecting. Especially since last week's episode! We also learned plenty of new stuff and had light shed on a few things. BONUS for us! There are a few entertaining things that happened which I think will be noted later in the series pretty heavily if I know the show's writers will enough.
Oh, and Hiro Nakamura has a blog!
I finally got the photos from CU @ The Bar: Bar Louie up online. Enjoy!
Tomorrow's the BIG day! The day when America stands up and shows the world what a Democratic Republic is supposed to be like, but ousting corrupt politicians and voting in a new, regime of lesser evil.
Here's to hoping all the members from our area are awesome enough to buck the system and actually try to get something done!
We'll see.
So Sonia called me this morning and woke me up! AWESOME wake-up call! I wouldn't mind hearing that voice most mornings.
She's gorgeous! As you'll see from the photos on my Flickr account later.
Anywho, she was just returning my call to her for the names of the two friends she brought out with her last Thursday, Angie & Andy. Awesome troupe if I do say so myself.
I opened up a new FaceBook account. It's an interesting networking site and I'm having a deal of fun with it already. I've networked with Neha, Leslie, and Christy Matthews there. Christy is kind of the one I lost. You know what I mean? I was a freaking idiot, but what can you do, right? Freaking 8th-grade idiot boy syndrome. :P She's still beautiful.
I had lunch with my uncle Paul and my grandpa (Best photo I have of him. I should work on that, today. I arrived late, having forgotten we had a lunch date scheduled.
Nonetheless, I was there. We spoke about a number of things. My grandfather's eMac needed repair, the construction and delegation of proper music organization in iTunes, and more.
I'm trying to build a more regular posting schedule. YAY predictability, BOO for unpredictability! :P Let's hope the plan works.

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