Introducing Tea-Guy's Tea Pantry

Over the years, I’ve struggled with convincing people I actually have as much tea on hand as I do. It’s amazing how quickly the number of teas in my pantry has grown over time.
I’ve also received an incredible number of requests to know what I have on hand—either for trades or just curiosity.
So, I’ve worked up a handy database of all the teas I have on hand, plus those I’ve officially reviewed here on the blog. Using Tea-Guy’s Tea Pantry, you’ll be able to search all my teas and filter them by name, brand, or score (flavor, aroma, or body).
The database will never be complete. As I receive new samples, they’ll be added. I haven’t even completed adding all my teas yet, as many are currently packed up at another location. However, at the time of this writing:
- 387 teas are yet to be reviewed.
- 558 teas are already entered into the database.
Let me know what you think, and if there’s anything more you’d like to see.

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