Golden Oolong (ITO EN)

Tuesday is Iced Tea Review day!

Why oh why had I not thought of an iced Oolong tea before this!?! I can’t believe it never occured to me. Well, regardles… this surprisingly light but flavorful ready to drink iced Oolong tea is a real thirst quencher!

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/3/2
Company ITO EN
Blend Name Golden Oolong
Iced Tea Base Oolong
Country of Origin Japan
Package Type Bottled
Price per Package $1.50 USD
Quantity 16 fl-oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

Right away you can tell this iced brew from ITO EN is different. The color alone sets it apart as a bright and inviting light maple-gold.

The aroma is lightly fragrant like a summer Darjeeling with some notes of maybe-not-quite-ripe pear and honey.

The flavor is smooth and light but without much tail. There is a light sweetness and the faintest hint of tart.

I would recommend this bottled iced tea to anyone looking for a smooth and light refreshing drink on a hot day. Or maybe just a cold beverage.

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