Hojicha (Ito En)

Hojicha is such a unique tea. It’s aroma is used by Japanese shop owners to draw people in to browse their wares. It’s used as a wonderfully calming beverage with subtle notes and great tradition. This Hojicha from Ito En doesn’t disappoint.

Quick Info
FAB* Rating 4/5/2
Company Ito En
Blend Name Hojicha
Blend Base Green
Country of Origin Japan
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $7.50 USD
Quantity ~ 3 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

Ito En is mostly known outside of Japan for their bottled ready to drink iced teas. This isn’t without merit. They make some of the finest bottled pure and flavored teas around. Their quality doesn’t go down with their loose tea. I’m super excited to have a chance to review some of their blends.

The loose material appears jagged and choppy with greenish brown hues throughout. I didn’t note any stems. Once brewed this Hojicha produces an enticing yellow-gold liquor.

The dry leaf aroma is subtle with a twiggy overtone and hints of burning leaves in Autumn. Once brewed this tea proves very aromatic, the scent literally filling the room. The aroma holds mostly fired notes like roasted leeks, but without the sweetened edges.

Hojicha has a distinct flavor profile. This is true of all Hojichas. However this Ito En Hojicha provides a bit more depth than those I’ve sampled from other brands to this point. It’s smoother without the bite, but retains some of the palate drying astringency expected. Notes of sticky rice and fired wood are hidden as undertones.

Hojicha Roasted Japanese Green Tea


Fans of  Hojicha, Genmaicha, Tie Kwan Yin or nutty teas are likely to enjoy this tea greatly.