Japanese Tea Ceremony - Etiquette

Chanoyu Ceremony Etiquette

Like any aspect of a Japanese Ceremony, every little detail has its own name and importance…let’s look at a guests’ etiquette:

There can be several guests in a tea ceremony; however for a small meeting the average is about four or five.  The first guest is considered a guest of honor and is called Shokyaku; the second guest is called a Jikyaku and the others are simply called Kyaku.  The last person also has a special name called Tsume.  These guests have a certain sitting order as well as special duties.  For example: the Shokyaku is the main person to communicate with the host (or Teishu).  Here’s information on the dialog between the Shokyaku and the host:


The Teishu would then have a bowl of sweets called a Wagashi.  The bowl is placed between the Teishu and Shokyaku and the Teishu will verbally indicate that the bowl is for the guests.  The Shokyaku then uses both hands to move the bowl to the right to the other guests.

The Shokyaku will then stand and walk to the tea bowl and sit in front of it.  The Shokyaku will then use his cloth or Dashibukusa in his right hand picks up the bowl and places it in the palm of his left hand.  The Shokyaku will then walk back to his seat and sit down.  Then bowl is turned clockwise two times.  Then the tea is drunk in only three little sips, leaving enough for the next two guests.

Then the rim is wiped with a Kaishi.  Then the bowl is passed to all of the guests until it reaches the Tsume.  The last guest will then return the bowl to the Shokyaku who will then inspect the bowl to be sure that there is no damage before returning it to the host.

The host will then ask the guests if they had enough to drink.  If this is so then the Shokyaku will ask the host to clean up and finish the ceremony.

Phew!  What a ceremony!  What do you all think??

[1] http://mediarising.ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/japanese-tea-ceremony53212601687802493.jpg

[2] http://japanese-tea-ceremony.net/guests.html