Kenyan Tinderet (David's Tea)

I love running into new teas. Teas from around the world inspire me to learn more about other cultures and peoples. This Kenyan Tinderet black tea from David’s Tea does just that and makes me want to visit Kenya to find more.

Quick Info
FAB* Rating 3/3/4
Company David’s Tea
Blend Name Kenyan Tinderet
Blend Base Black
Country of Origin Kenya
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $7.00
Quantity ~ 1.7 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

I’m used to seeing these CTC style teas, their leaves all cut and curled into the smallest imagineable miniscule balls. The dry aroma sweet and malty with hints of spice.

Once brewed the leaves form a very dark red-maple liquor. With an equally malty and buttery aroma. On the tongue the brew is relatively astringent and puckery. There’s a drying of the tongue, but not of the rest of the mouth.

Hints of honey are light but notable. This tea begs for some sweetener though, and I find honey to be a perfect complement as opposed to artificial sweeteners or granulated sugar.

Fans of breakfast teas will love this brew.

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