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Okay, so yesterday was kind of a masquerade. Work was pushy. A client has MASSIVELY abused their EULA and felt they were somehow in the right... Sorry, but installing the same serial for an application on one hundred and thirty-eight machines ... doesn’t qualify as a legal installation of the product. I don’t care if you tell me only one person is using it at any one point in time. Just TRY and police it! I dare you! So we cut off their ability to register the product, and legal is working on maneuvers to force the client to purchase the right number of licenses or remove the applications from machines that shouldn’t be licensed. All one hundred and thirty-seven of them.

Kim stopped by later on in the day. She was here for a while. We made some chicken & rice with some cream sauce stuff. Tasty.

Ended up talking with Jenn for a couple of hours last night afterward, before crashing for a shorter amount of time than physical necessity desires.

I kind of miss Crystal a bit. I haven’t talked with her since last week. Not going to die from it, but not pleasant either I don’t think. I hope she’s alright.

A shout out to Leslie Na, my best friend of almost ten years now. It’ll be ten years on the 12th of this month. Or, in other words, this Sunday! Love ya girl!! We’re most definitely getting together next Tuesday!!!

Another shout to Anna Mambourg, a lost love! I’ll have your picture up on the friends page soon, I SWEAR!!!

Just been so busy with business, regular work, and evil life stuff.

Julie, sorry the link to your blog was messed up. It’s fixed now. Enjoy the linkage!

Worry not, those of a commenting nature, I ‘am’ working on a forum setup for the site. Don’t know when I’ll have something concrete, I need something simple, supported by MacDock (they prohibit a lot of forum systems due to bot, and spam issues).

I haven’t gotten out to take any more photos. Hopefully, I’ll get out again soon. Somehow the five hundred or so I have at the moment just isn’t enough of a variety. :P

I have a trip coming up to Louisville, and to Baltimore, and to Atlanta. All in the same week, but not in that order. I have a client installation of Trivantis’ CourseMill product in Atlanta, and I fly out on the evening of the 20th to get there. The night after, I fly back. I’ll have a half workday that Wednesday. I hope to take some photos in Atlanta during my brief stay. There have to be some interesting shots I can get! That Thursday, I have a trip to Louisville (tentative) with my friend (more than?) Annette who oh so totally rocks! The trip will last Thursday and Friday.

Almost immediately after I get back to the Nati, I leave again for Baltimore. I’m headed out for that weekend to visit Dad’s grave. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year already since his death. Stephanie has been taking it MUCH harder than I have. She’s constantly questioning things. I think perhaps I’m content with the thought that I’m driving towards my dreams and that his spirit is appeased by such. Love ya’ papa. :’(

I’ll get back into the Nati that following Monday. Since I have to do 24/7 phone support the whole week I am out, I have that following Monday off (sweet deal), so I can wait until Monday morning to drive back, and can decently spend some time in Annapolis, and perhaps even Washington D.C.!

There are some moves I’ve been contemplating I haven’t really let anyone in on yet. I’m not sure if it’s the time, not until things are more concrete. We’ll see what happens.

Check out my kick-ass political blog! I rant in it about all kinds of political crap. Want to know about the Nati, Ohio, or what our idiots in D.C. are up to, check it, you’ll get my views.

I’ve been slacking recently. Spending more time on interpersonal relations than on starting Ripple. I hereby condemn myself to servitude of the startup until such time as Ripple is a properly formed LLC, has a lawyer we can call on, and the proper materials to conduct business. After this, somehow Tony needs to be motivated. I don’t know what he’s been up to, but the deadline is almost here for the end of the planning phase, and I need to ensure we’re on target. Here goes round two!