Mango Green - Decaf (Mighty Leaf)

Wednesday is Green Tea, White Tea, Rooibos, Oolong and Tisane (Herbal) Review Day!

I’m drawn to mangoes much as one would expect a fruit fly to be. The sweet, smooth flavor is not too bold, and not too weak. This decaffeinated mango green tea from Mighty Leaf turned out much the same.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 3/4/3
Company Mighty Leaf
Blend Name Mango Green – Decaf
Blend Base Green Tea
Country of Origin India
Package Type Loose in pouch
Price per Package $8.95 USD
Quantity 4oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

This blend of a light Indian style green tea shows up with a few stems, some mango pieces, yellow flower petals and both browned and green camelia sinensis leaves. It’s mesmerizing to look at.

Brewed, this tea provides a beautiful redish pumpkin orange liquor. Teasingly inviting in color, I almost didn’t wait for my timer to end before I went to drink this up!

Aromatically speaking this Mango Green Decaf is one of the more heavy hitters I’ve encountered in a while. Openly fragrant as soon as the pouch was popped… the smooth succulent flavor of mangoes started taking over my senses. I also found the aroma unbelievably sweet, and was surprised to find no real indication of vegetal tones typical of most green teas.

The flavor of this blend is lighter than the aroma indicates. While clearly mango there were deffinitely some vegetal tones not caught in the aroma. This green tea is also fairly astringent providing a slight pucker and presenting a tail which seems to stick around for a while.

I can easily imagine this tea being great both hot and cold… and I recommend the blend to anyone a fan of mangoes or fruit teas. Those looking for a particularly strong tea will find this blend a bit disappointingly middle-of-the road in body.