1 min read

Organic Emerald Pearls (Mighty Leaf)

Contrasting to this morning’s first tea review is this Chinese green tea. These Organic Emerald Pearls from Mighty Leaf hold a wonderfully light flavor with all the hidden subtleties inherent in Chinese green teas. 

Quick Info
FAB* Rating 5/4/3
Company Mighty Leaf Tea
Blend Name Organic Emerald Pearls
Blend Base Green
Country of Origin China
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $16.95
Quantity ~ 4.0 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

Not quite what the name implies, these leaves aren’t actually pearls at all. They’re light whispy dark green leaves with plenty of visual character. The aroma is light and vegetal, smooth and savory. Hints of fresh spinach with the sweetness of steamed bok choy.

When you brew this tea, you get a clear yellow liquor with an aroma that’s pleasant but lacking in additional subtleties compared to its dry counterpart. This isn’t necessarily bad though. Predictability and consistency are the stalwarts of perfection.

The flavor is light and thin at first, but seems to gain weight through the sip. There’s no astringency here. Instead, you’re presented with a very smooth brew. Overtones of steamed bok choy take the forefront while hints of a buttery sweetness seem to pop in and out.

I recommend this tea to fans of lighter green teas, Taiwanese oolongs and as a palate contrast to fans of steam fixed green teas such as those from Japan.




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