My Balloting Story and the Flu

Okay, so it's been more than a week. I'll update again tomorrow after Battlestar Galactica. But before that, I thought I might as well note that I haven't updated for eight days because I've had the flu for the past five. Feeling MUCH better now though. BONUS! to that. :P

In closing here's the rehash of how my voting story went last week...

1) Go to the polling location, they tell me to go to this church instead.
2) Went to church, and they told me to go to the library instead.
3) Went to the library, they told me to go back to the church.
4) The church says I'm not in their books even though I haven't missed voting in an election since I turned 18 and I voted in the same district last year.
5) Forced to fill out a provisional ballot which may not be properly counted or counted at all if the location was not my correct polling location.