Huangshan Maofeng (Qiaoxihu)

Huangshan Maofeng is one of the most celebrated of all the Chinese green teas. It’s beautiful leaves, wonderful aroma and smooth palate pleasing texture keep this tea a favorite through generations. This Huangshan Maofeng from Qiaoxihu, a Chinese company, doesn’t disappoint.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/4/2
Company Qiaoxihu
Blend Name Huangshan Maofeng
Blend Base Green
Country of Origin China
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $12.00 USD
Quantity ~ 8 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

I picked this wonderful tea up from a local Asian grocery store which I not so coincidentally worked at for close to a year.

The loose leaves for this tea are spectacular. They’re roughly one and a half to two inches long, twisted and a mix from light to dark green. The aroma is somewhat light with more vegetal tones than grassy ones.

The liquor  is a light yellowed amber. The aroma once brewed is grassier than it is vegertal, but there are some floral notes as well.

Once you’re imbibing the brew though the vegetal overtones return. There’s not much astringency here at all. I taste avacado and maybe light hints of spinach and orchid in the brew. The texture is smooth, similar to an oolong.

I would recommend this tea to any green tea fan, whether you prefer Chinese or Japanese greens. Oolong fans are also likely to enjoy this brew.

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