Himalayan Evergreen (SAFA Himalaya)

Yet another tea rescued from the floors of the World Tea Expo! This Himalayan Evergreen green tea from the Jun Chiyabari tea garden in Nepal and sold by SAFA Himalaya is a well rounded and unique member of the green tea family.

Quick Info
FAB* Rating 3/2/3
Company SAFA Himalaya
Blend Name Himalayan Evergreen
Blend Base Green
Country of Origin Nepal
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $19.50 USD
Quantity ~ 1.25 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

The loose tea leaves are curled and twisted. Their color a mix from white to dark green and black with some brown intermingled in. The dry aroma is of dry grass, hay and fresh spring tree leaves.

Once brewed the leaves aroma turns sweeter and loses the hay and the dry grass takes a back seat to the spring leaves. It’s rather interesting and refreshing for a green tea.

Quixotically, the aroma from the liquor retains the hay scent. A beautiful golden caramel colored liquor pairs well with this relaxing brew.

The flavor is more astringent than I anticipated. There’s a sweetness in the initial profile but there’s a vegetal twinge which reminds me of steamed spinach or turnip greens, especially with the way it sticks to the tip of the tongue.

This tea is good for about three steeps and should be sipped to savor. Fans of gunpowder green teas, deep shade grown (Fukamushi style) Japanese greens and Darjeeling teas will appreciate this brew.

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