Golden Monkey #510 (Special Teas)

Golden Monkey is a classic Chinese black tea. The golden tips in this tea from Special Teas are much more downy than last year’s batch. Providing a less astringent brew and one which is mildly sweeter on the palate.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/3/3
Company Special Teas
Blend Name Golden Monkey #510
Blend Base Black
Country of Origin China
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $7.95 USD
Quantity ~ 2 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

Golden Monkey #510 from Special Teas is an interesting looking tea. The concentration of golden tips to roasted leaves is a bit higher than I expected compared to last year’s blend and immediately made me think this tea would be lighter than in the past.

The liquor brews a wonderful amber-gold with an earthy but sweet fired flavor coming out in the aroma.

On the palate I catch some chocolate or cocoa textures with a distinct astringency which is lighter than expected given last year’s brew. The fired earthy flavors are very noticeable here.

I can easily recommend this tea to fans of golden tip black teas, Chinese black teas including Keemuns and Summer season Darjeelings.

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