Lemon Chiffon Rooibos (Special Teas)

Will I like this one? I dunno. Sounds kinda girly to me. Hey wait… this is pretty good! You should try this Rooibos blend from Special Teas. I think you just might like it!

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/3/4
Company Special Teas
Blend Name Rooibos Lemon Chiffon
Blend Base Rooibos / Herbal
Country of Origin USA
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $6.45 USD
Quantity ~ 4 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

This Rooibos blend is pretty sweet. No, really! It won in the 2008 World Tea Championship, so it’s prize winning! Don’t let the marketing fluff scare you though. This tea really is something you should try.

The leaves look like slender, short red pine needles mixed with yellow blossoms and lemongrass pieces. The smell is of sweet lemon cream.

The aroma once brewed is more complex. Reminding easily of lemon mirangue pie and other lemony desserts. There’s hint of marigold and of honey in the finish.

This tea is mooth to sip, but does dry the tongue. I don’t find this an every day tea, but something perfect to have in place of a dessert.

I recommend this tea for anyone who likes the sweeter side of life. Those who enjoy their teas with a little milk and sugar won’t need to add to this. I think you’ll like it as is.

Until next steep!

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