State of the Union & Wes Clark

President Bush, you have a horrible track record when it comes to healthcare system support for the American majority... let alone the American majority in general. Sorry no go on that topic. Iraq is old hat and needs to be dealt with in a decisive and commanding manner. We need to clean it up, wrap it up, and get out. Concentration on Afghanistan should be key, and growth in the number of special forces should be a primary objective for a fast and flexible military. Sorry, Mr. President, you've lost there as well. We've given you three + years to get this right, and you botched it. The people of the United States the People of Iraq and the world deserve much better than it seems you can give us. You're also not in much better waters when it comes to energy conservation. You killed the Kyoto Treaty even though we could have very easily ratified it and worked with the other agreeing nations to make it even stronger. I'm sorry but economic and societal interests should be trumped by the good of ALL people on planet Earth.

Mr. President, I support your call to lessen earmarks... but would prefer a call for an outright ban on them. This was an unexpected move from you, and one that is certainly welcome. As for "Every Child Left Behind" I disagreed with the legislation prior to its initial passage and continue to disagree with it today. The legislation does not work and harms more schools than it helps. The educational system in the United States needs a bottom-up foundational reconstruction looking at all factors including how easy it will be for us to alter the educational system in the future to make "a turn on a dime" alteration to the system for the betterment of American, and America's students.

In regards to "Global Climate Change", aka Global Warming, something drastic needs to be done. Within the next 93 years, many of us will not be able to survive a summer with frequent exposure to the outdoors. This is unseemly and irresponsible. While I am glad that you and the GOP finally seem to be willing to admit that Global Climate Change exists (see your effectual ban on acknowledging that the Grand Canyon was formed due to erosion and your statement that God simply made it that way), I do so hope that you will press for far more drastic measures be taken. We can certainly sustain ourselves by doing coal to oil conversation (aka coal liquefaction) while E-85 Ethanol gains in usage and popularity or another fuel source is discovered, we need to lessen our dependence upon all forms of natural resource dependence and instead seek a fuel that is easily produced, takes little energy and money to produce, can generate enough power to move American energy needs to it for Electricity, Automobile, or even hybrid plastics.


In other news. Wes Clark's appearance on Hannity and Combs did not result in his indication of a run for President in 2008. We're still waiting, Wes. We're rooting for you!