

Posts related to politics, both domestic and global.
An image representing Pipeline to Power, generated using MidJourney.

Book Review: Pipeline to Power

This popped up on my Audible.com recommendations list, and it seemed like a timely and interesting read about graft and corruption in the judicial selection process, though it took a couple of years to produce.
2 min read
A colorful peace symbol was generated using MidJourney.

Propaganda Poster Campaign

In this post, I create various propaganda images using MidJourney. The goal is anti-war and abolition of nuclear weapons. I explore multiple styles.
9 min read
Healthcare.gov (ACA/Obamacare) and Why I'm Not Concerned

Healthcare.gov (ACA/Obamacare) and Why I'm Not Concerned

I’ve yet to be able to sign up for the service, though I admit I’ve been a mix of nervous and eager to do so.
2 min read
Television, Education, and The Future

Television, Education, and The Future

Over the years I have watched many shows. Ok, fine... many many shows. Much of it in Asian origin ... I feel the quality of American shows is on the rise.
8 min read
State of the Union & Wes Clark

State of the Union & Wes Clark

President Bush, you have a horrible track record when it comes to healthcare system support for the American majority... let alone the American majority in general. Sorry no go on that topic.
2 min read
Wes Clark

Wes Clark

There are a lot of people predicting that Wes Clark will announce either his candidacy or the formation of his exploratory committee for the run for President in 2008.
1 min read
My Balloting Story and the Flu

My Balloting Story and the Flu

In closing here's the rehash of how my voting story went last week...
1 min read
NO F'ing Way!

NO F'ing Way!

David Pepper won control of Hamilton County away from Phil Heimlich whose offices were fraught with corruption and embezzlement along with misspending of government funds for pork projects, unethical disbursement of funds, and preferential treatment of contractors.
2 min read

Of Flickr and Eating Kobayashi

I have become rather hyper-involved as of late. I have taken photos at all kinds of events around town in conjunction with CincyUpdate. I have attended a political debate for Kentucky's 4th Congressional District which was consequently a live televised event on Channel 9.
4 min read
A Nation Still Under Construction

A Nation Still Under Construction

After my trip to Washington D.C. this past week I recognize an important part of being an American... construction. Not so much in the physical sense (although this is very true), as much as in the metaphorical sense.
1 min read