NYC Breakfast (Tavalon)

Friday is Black Tea, Floral Tea, Fruit Tea, Chai and Pu’erh Review Day!

I’ve been looking for a new morning “Pick me up,” and I believe I’ve found just the thing! This American take on a traditional breakfast tea is nothing if not brisk.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/3/4
Company Tavalon
Blend Name NYC Breakfast
Blend Base Black Tea
Country of Origin USA
Package Type Loose in Case
Price per Package $5.50
Quantity 1.4 ounces
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

My daily routine has been getting rougher and rougher as of late as I wake earlier than I used to and somehow end up with less time than I used to have.

To help me make the most of this everyday ritual I almost always seek the assistance of a nice, strong black tea. It used to be I’d brak out an Irish or English Breakfast. Then it moved to a subtler Earl Grey. Eventually I closed on using a revolving door to keep my palate interested in what different teas had to say.

The latest in this hit parade of wake-up brews is Tavalon’s NYC Breakfast. A delightful blend of Indian, Sri Lankan (Ceylon) and Indonesian black teas.

This blend’s dry leaves are a very dark brown, almost black. The aroma come across smooth and soft. It’s deffinitely an Assam based tea, and I’d venture to guess the Sri Lankan part of this blend comes from the Lover’s Leap estate.

Once brewed the tea provides a color of deep amber. Imagine a dark caramel and you’d be pretty close. With the amber coloring comes a smooth aroma. Similar to English or Irish Breakfast teas, the presentation of smell with this tea is refined, but subtler than most. A most welcome accomplishment.

The flavor from NYC Breakfast is a bit puckery and astringent, meaning it causes the lips to purse. I noted subdued notes of honey and sweet nectar in the taste. Fans of strong Assam teas won’t be disappointed however. I had to concentrate to find these hidden notes.

This tea is good for a little honey or maybe two Lumps and a splash of milk. I’d recommend this highly for those who like a good strong cuppa tea, or need an extra pick me up in the morning!