Hibiscus Punch (Tea Source)

Friday is Black Tea, Floral Tea, Fruit Tea, Chai and Pu’erh Review Day!

I’ve not always been a big fan of fruit teas, but sometimes you just need something fruity! To that end, Hibiscus Punch by Tea Source hits the spot!

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/4/3
Company The Tea SOurce
Blend Name Hibiscus Punch
Blend Base Fruit
Country of Origin USA
Package Type Loose in bag
Price per Package $7.97 USD
Quantity 4oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

There’s something intrinsically special about fruit teas. Light and tasty, they’ve always reminded me of my childhood. Occasionally, I’ll still grab some Hawaian Punch, or other punchy beverage. Well, now I can get punch and have tea at the same time!

Tea Source’s Hibiscus Punch is a special blend of different berries which come together in a uniquely tart berverage that’s good hot or cold.

At first the taste reminded me more of  hot strawberry PopTarts than punch… but the aroma kept me in the world of mixed fruits. Delicious and inexpensive this blend had a little bite at the tail and is well worth trying out.

I have a few friends who don’t like punch much, I would not recommend this tea if you don’t like punch.