Mango Green (Tea Source)

Wednesday is Green Tea, White Tea, Rooibos, Oolong and Tisane (Herbal) Review Day!

Some teas are  just meant to be. I think this is the case with the Mango Green from Tea Source. This blend is lightly aromatic, flavorful and just bold enough without overdoing it.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/2/3
Company The Tea Source
Blend Name Mango Green
Blend Base Green Tea
Country of Origin USA
Package Type Loose in bag
Price per Package $6.97 USD
Quantity 4oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

It’s a bit trendy to make “tropical” blends of green tea. This trend shouldn’t be considered a fad though, as it’s produced some of the more flavorful and aromatic green tea blends of late.

Amittedly I started out as a green tea purist, not wanting to dirty the authenticity of green tea with things like flavoring, fruit or flowers. I’ve moved past this stage and onto a wonderous appreciation of all types of blends, including this specimen.

The first thing you’ll note about Mango Green is the prominence of the fruit in the name. It lives up to this as soon as you open the package. More aromatic when dry, this blend is ever so subtle when steeped bringing a rare contrast to the “tropical” blend trend.

Blame the tropical mango fruit for the quixotically powerful, but understaed aroma. But the fruit is guilty of more than one pleasure here. The flavor once steeped is very well balanced. An almost tug-o-war battle of the flavors wages for superiority on the palette when you drink this one up.

I expected a much bolder blend given the “tropical” nature of the Mango Green. Most tropical blends have trouble downplaying the prominent nature of the fruits they use. Mango is a wonderfully natural fit for this paradigm, and it allows this tea to balance on the edge with little effort. Kudos to the blenders at The Tea Source for this wonderful match!