Bangladeshi Black Tea (Teatulia)

Teatulia sources direct from Bangladesh and is a true patron of the Kazi Tea Estate there. Sustainable and single garden sourced, this black tea is nutty and every so slightly smokey.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/2/3
Company Teatulia
Blend Name Bangladeshi
Black Tea
Blend Base Black
Country of Origin Bangladesh
Package Type Cardboard
Price per Package $13 USD
Quantity ~ 2oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

The aroma for Teatulia’s Black Tea is very light. Too light to really judge whether their “apricot” claim is true. But I dis catch some nuttiness and smokiness in there.

The leaves are roughly 1/8 an inch long, with golden tips throughout. Together they brew a light caramel gold liquor.

This brew comes out clean and smooth. No real astringency, but there is some drying of the palate. You definitely get the nuttiness and the smokiness here in the flavor. The texture is smooth, almost creamy.

I would recommend this tea to fans of Sri Lankan (Ceylon) black teas, such as those from New Vithanakande, and for fans of other Himalayan teas, such as those from Jun Chiyabari in Nepal. Fans of orthodox Assam teas and Autumnal Darjeelings may also find this brew pleasing.

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