Bangladeshi White Tea (Teatulia)

Wednesday is Green Tea, White Tea, Rooibos, Oolong and Tisane (Herbal) Review Day!

White tea is said to be the rarest of all teas. While this can be disbuted by fans of Yellow teas, it’s hard to argue that white teas from Bangladesh are likely up there on the rare tea list!

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 3/3/3
Company Teatulia
Blend Name White Tea
Blend Base White
Country of Origin Bangladesh
Package Type Loose in tin
Price per Package $20.00 USD
Quantity 2 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

Teatulia‘s claims to fame are their Organic and Fair Trade teas from Bangladesh. Their teas and packaging are the most earth friendly possible, claiming to be 100% biodegradeable. I take this to include the tape, which could certainly be a soy based plastic.

This white tea presents itself with long slender white and silver leaves. Most are lightly twisted, and some are darker than others.

The liquor brews up a beautiful amber orange with tinges or yellow around the edges.

Its aroma is light and sweet with just the slightest hints of smokiness. This matches almost perfectly with the flavor which also holds hints of straw. While the tea is not notably strong it has a discernable tail.

I recommend this tea for fans of white teas and more earthy oolongs and light black teas.