Zingiber Ginger Coconut Rooibos (Teavana)

This Zingiber Ginger Coconut Rooibos tea from Teavana is one of the first teas I ever had from them. It’s spicy, aromatic and smooth to drink.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/4/3
Company Teavana
Blend Name Zingiber Ginger
Coconut Rooibos
Blend Base Rooibos
Country of Origin USA
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $7.99 USD
Quantity ~ 2 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

This mildly spicy, but smooth tasting brew sits easy on the palate and the aroma pleases the senses.

The leaves are clearly a mound of red rooibos. Large coconut chips, ginger bits, apple chunks, black peppercorns and almonds create a menagerie of fun colorful activity. The dry aroma carries the peppercorn, cinnamon and cardamom rather nicely.

Once brewed the liquor shows nice brilliant red and gives a sweeter aroma with notes of spiciness and hints at a milky texture.

The flavor comes out slightly nutty with heavy notes of spiciness and a touch of coconut sweetness. Sadly this flavor doesn’t seem to hang around for very long, although I should note the cinnamon does.

I would recommend this tea if you enjoy chai.

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