Pumpkin Spice Chai (Townshend's)

Friday is Black Tea, Floral Tea, Fruit Tea, Chai and Pu’erh Review Day!

Prepare to be dazzled! This spiced Chai is one of the best I’ve had. While easily conjuring up images of Autumn and the American Thanksgiving holiday… I find myself oddly pictured drinking this Chai year ’round!

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/5/3
Company Townshend’s Tea
Blend Name Pumpkin Spice Chai
Blend Base Chai
Country of Origin India
Package Type Loose in bag
Price per Package $2.50 USD
Quantity 1oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

I approached Townshend’s Tea in February seeking samples to review (an obviously benefit of blogging). They were very friendly and forthcoming with regards to providing those samples. While I received five samples in all, this Chai is so fantastic I had to put it first on my list to post!

The Townshend’s website could use a touch up here and there. For one there’s no indication I could easily find of what quantity you would be ordering at the prices indicated. I presume it’s per ounce or so. So that’s how I’ve listed it here.

The first thing you’ll notice about this tea is that it is remarkably aromatic. While it was packaged with four other fairly aromatic teas, this one completely shone through as soon as I opened the package on arrival! It’s almost as if it was calling for me… “drink me!” “drink me!”

I blended this chai as any other, using part soy milk (you can use regular cow’s milk if you like) and cane sugar (again white sugar is fine, but it’s not quite as nice. Simmer on the burner for 6 minutes (as instructed on the packaging) and BOOM! I have a delicious chai ready to drink!

The aroma when brewing was almost too fantastic to ignore. Although my Wii Fit certainly helped me pass the time. Hot once brewed I waited a bit for it to cool. How perfect for judging its scents! How else to describe the smell aside from a perfect, smooth slightly spicy but slightly sweet pumpkin pie!

Once brewed it’s velvety texture coats the mouth, leaving a slight spicy film on the tongue like a hot cider. This is something I like, as it keeps me inching closer and closer in frequency to each sip.

This tea isn’t the most bold Chai I’ve had. It’s just about the perfect balance of palette inciting spice and creamy smooth goodness. With that in mind, this tea is a much have for any chai lover, cider lover or hot chocolate lover you know! I have a feeling it’d go over very very well with coffee drinkers too!