Lavendar Green Tea (Tradition -Taiwan)

Wednesday is Green Tea, White Tea, Rooibos, Oolong and Tisane (Herbal) Review Day!

I’ve noted before that I’m not the biggest fan of floral teas. I’ve really come around over the past year or so on that bias and I appreciate them now, more than ever. Still, I seem skeptical when I try a new floral tea. I’m always worried it’ll taste reminiscent of some really horrible foot malady. Not so with this blend.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 2/3/2
Company Tradition of Taiwan
Blend Name Lavendar Green Tea
Blend Base Green Tea
Country of Origin Taiwan
Package Type Tea Bags
Price per Package $3.99 USD
Quantity 25 Tea Bags
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

It’s a simple equation. Low grade Chinese green tea blended with a purple flower of some mystique and wonderful aroma. Boom! Instant hit!

Tradition Taiwan’s blend of Lavender Green tea brews a pretty redish bronze. It almost reminds me of the color of pennies slightly worn, but not grimy. It’s a beautiful brew.

The aroma is largely of Lavender. However, if you let it linger a bit you’ll find Lychee as well as notes of honey and spice. It’s very nice (that rhymes).  These extra subtle notes really help to draw you in for your first sip and their power can’t be under-stressed here.

Oddly enough for a floral Green tea blend the flavor comes out rather soft regardless of steeping time. It was nice to find a blend so consistent. Lavender is your lead singer here, but you’ll really end up focusing on the drummer. The beat of Masala carries the rhythm in the background.

I was surprised to find this tea so creamy. I expected something with a bit more of a tail, but this surprise is most welcome. It coats the mouth like a caramel chew, almost forcing you to savor the sip. It’s quite refreshing. You’ll note subdued flavors of honey and spice as well. It’s a very interesting blend.

Sadly, this tea was given to me as a gift. I only say that because I cannot seem to find a website for the brand in English, and I am unsure where my contact found it. I did get a guesstimate of around $4 USD for the 25 tea bags. I would love to find other blends by this brand. If they offer anything loose, I would be very enthusiastic indeed.