Niagara Peach Sencha (Tropical Tea Co.)

Wednesday is Green Tea, White Tea, Rooibos, Oolong and Tisane (Herbal) Review Day!

Some days you want something strong in your cup, some days you want something light. This Niagara Peach Sencha from Tropical Tea Co. is certainly of the light variety.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 3/2/1
Company Tropical Tea Co.
Blend Name Niagara Peach Sencha
Blend Base Green
Country of Origin USA
Package Type Bag
Price per Package $4.50 USD
Quantity 2 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

It’s true. Some days you just need something lighter. Maybe because your palate has had a bit much to do lateley or perhaps it’s just one of those days. I can’t imagine wanting a tea this light though.

This Niagara Peach Sencha from Tropical Tea Co. was sent to me as a sample in a plain Ziploc baggie folded up inside a standard A10 envelope. That certainly didn’t help the freshness of the flavor profile.

To be fair, I don’t believe that’s how they typically dispatch teas to their customers. Regardless I don’t think it impacted the flavor or aroma of this tea well.

The Niagara Peach Sencha is a Chinese made Japanese style Sencha. It’s made up of very thin green leaves and a great deal of dust. Though that could have been f rom the bumpy ride with the USPS. The company deascibes the tea as having jasmine petals but I didn’t see any of those.

This brews to a nice bright yellow-green liquor (color), which is certainly very inviting to the senses.

The aroma has extremely light notes of peach and notes of an average to mild strength slightly vegetal green tea. Not so grassy, more like light spinach.

The flavor is a little nicer. Notes of sour peach with a strong sencha in the steep. Nicely balanced between vegetal and grassy tones. There’s a hint of some fruity sweetness in here too, but I had to really dig for it.

This tea was not very bold at all. There’s almost no tail to speak of and it’s extremely sweet for a Sencha.

While this tea get’s a relatively low aroma rating it’s flavor does an about face and surprises with a fuller profile. It’s lack of body/boldness holds this tea back from being something really noteworthy. Regardless, this tea is worth a try. My experience could be different from yours.

I would recommend this tea for fans of fruity teas, or light/sweet teas. It’s not strong enough to be iced and still retain flavor though, so deffinitely drink it hot.

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