Gentle Organic Lemon Ginger Green Tea (Village Tea Co.)

This light organic Chinese Guo Lu green tea from Village Tea Co. is blended with light but complementary ginger root, lemongrass and lemon myrtle to provide a relaxing infusion.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 3/3/4
Company Village Tea Co.
Blend Name Gentle Organic Lemon
Ginger Green Tea
Blend Base Green
Country of Origin USA
Package Type Canister
Price per Package $15.95 USD
Quantity ~ 4 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

One thing anyone who’s ever eaten sushi with me knows… I hate ginger. Somehow it tastes like dish soap to me and I can never get passed it. I only use it in the most extreme of wasabi circumstances!

This certified organic green tea has a Chinese Guo Lu base and is blended with ginger, so you wouldn’t guess that I like it. But I do.

It could be the addition of the lemongrass or maybe the lemon mytle… or maybe I just like lemon flavored soap… who knows. But it works!

At roughly $4 an ounce this tea is not overly expensive. Village Tea Co.’s unique packaging has the loose material separated into two larger bags in the canister and they’re kind enough to include a number of disposable tea bags for easy clean-up if you don’t happen to have an infuser handy.

The loose mixture looks like a combination of grass clippings, chives, and diced ginger. It’s actually ratherneat to look at. The aroma is strong enough to smell as soon as you open the package, but it’s not overwhelming. It’s at just the right level for appreciation.

The lemon pucker in the flavor comes through nicely but is subdued by the ginger in a perfectly harmonious composition I have to commend Martin of Village Tea Co. for putting together.

The liquor comes out a nice honeyed yellow-orange and only minimal sediment seems to appear. Quite nice for a tisane of this kind.

I would recommend this as a daily tea for those like Japanese bancha, gunpowder greens, or Yerba Mate’.

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