Wes Clark

There are a lot of people predicting that Wes Clark will announce either his candidacy or the formation of his exploratory committee for the run for President in 2008. Even some Republicans (GOP) are looking forward to his run and are in support of him.

I for one am hoping for a Clark/Obama ticket. I think the fresh eyes on politics they both offer, plus Wesley's unique perspective on military workings makes the ticket a strong one. Sorry, not a fan of Clinton, she compromises too much. No issue with a woman in the office ... just not that one.

Picked up Barak Obama's new book "The Audacity of Hope" at Borders last week. Just started on it. I'll let you know how it goes chapter by chapter.

I also picked up Wes Clark's latest "Winning Modern Wars" via Amazon last week, which arrived today. I will also post a chapter-by-chapter impression of this book. However, perhaps I should pick up "Waging Modern Wars" first since it was an earlier publication. We'll see what happens. I only want it in hardcover. Books feel more real to me in hardcover.


Some people at work were talking about Barack Obama today at lunch. Making the overly obvious comparison between Obama and Osama in how the names are spelled and pronounced. I should have defended him and his heritage but all I could come up with was "Hey! Careful!"