World Tea Expo 2013 (Preview)

About This Year’s Expo

For those of you who follow this blog, you know I love to visit the World Tea Expo every year to bring you news, photos and tales of my experiences from the event. This year will be a little different…

Yes, I’m still attending The Expo. But this year I’ll also be a speaker. I’m joining a panel of other fantastic bloggers to discuss how to use blogging on tea to help grow your tea business.


My Other Non-Day Job

I will also be taking the opportunity to promote Teaity, a new site I launched last November where you can discover and rate teas and find brand recommended preparation instructions and other info. Teaity is, in fact, the reason I’ve been so quite with the reviews and blog posts. With info on over 6000 teas, lots of photos and tea company details it’s been taking a lot of time. But I’ll be returning to regular posts soon.



I will update and add a flyer here in JPG format, and here in PDF.


Other Bloggers in the Panel

Robbert Godden – The Devotea@the_devotea

Jason Walker – Walker Tea Reviews@jasonowalker

Darlene Meyers-Perry – The Tea Enthusiasts Scrapbook@teaarchives

Linda Gaylard – The Tea Stylist@theteastylist

Michael J. Coffey – TeaGeek@michaeljcoffey

Naomi Rosen – Joy’s Teaspoon@joysteaspoon


Tea Blogger’s Roundtable

For those attending the Expo we’re holding an informal meet up of tea bloggers Friday evening from 6PM to 7PM after the show floor closes in Room N255.

All the panelists above are expected to show for the Tea Blogger’s Roundtable along with these other notable attendees:


Geoffrey Norman – Lazy Literatus – @lazy_literatus

Rachel Carter – iHeartTeas – @iheartteas & @rachelkcarter

Jen Picotti – An International Tea Moment

Jo Johnson – Scandalous Tea / A Gift of Tea – @agiftoftea


While the event is open, if you’d like to reserve a spot for this year’s Tea Blogger’s Roundtable meetup, please send an email to Jo Johnson or a tweet to @agiftoftea if you like.

I hope to steep with you soon!