Hoji-cha (Yamamotoyama)

Wednesday is Green Tea, White Tea, Rooibos, Oolong and Tisane (Herbal) Review Day!

For the uninitiated, Hoji-cha  (Houjicha) is a roasted Japanese green tea. Earthy in flavor and relaxing to drink it’s a great tea for a late meal or snack.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 3/2/2
Company Yamamotoyama
Blend Name Hoji-cha
Blend Base Green Tea
Country of Origin Japan
Package Type Tea Bags
Price per Package $4.99 USD via Amazon
Quantity 25 Tea Bags
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

The flavor of Yamamotoyama’s (Yama moto Yama) Hoji-cha plays with the tongue. Light, earthy and not too bold, it’s comforting but begs you to drink just a little more. You can taste the carbon from the roasting in every hot sip. I couldn’t expect anything less from an established Japanese brand.

The aroma from Hoji-cha is something unique. Reminiscent of burning leaves it conjures mental images of camp fires and relaxing with friends. Things I remember fondly from earlier in my youth.

Yamamotoyama’s blend is lighter than most, crafting a subtler play on the palette. Definitely enjoyable.

However, for as much praise as I can give this blend of Hoji-cha, nothing in particular stands out to me about it. I wouldn’t consider it memorable or particularly classic. It is true I’ve never been wholly impressed by Hoji-cha’s in general. But I’ve always given teas a fair sip even if they’re not my favorite. All told though, with this blend, I could take it or leave it and there wouldn’t be any regret.