Aromatic (Zealong)

One of the most defining and wonderful developments from this year’s World Tea Expo was encountering Zealong. The New Zealand grower-producer-seller of New Zealand Oolong makes a unique and wonderful product.

Quick Info
FAB* Rating 4/4/4
Company Zealong
Blend Name Aromatic
Blend Base Oolong
Country of Origin New Zealand
Package Type Pouch
Price per Package $48.00
Quantity ~ 2.0 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

The Zealong packaging was one of my favorites from this year’s World Tea Expo. The dark but glittery black packaging married to the bright green hued text just seems a wonderful match.

The leaves for this furtive tea are made in the fashion of Taiwanese Oolongs. They’re tightly curled balls of a dark green with some stems attached. The dry leaf aroma is clearly roasted with some vegetal undertones of steamed cabbage.

This oolong brews a radiant yellow-gold liquor and provides a sweet vegetal aroma similar to that of the dry leaf, but with the roasted notes a bit subdued.

The texture and flavor are smooth on the palate with no appreciable astringency. A bit of vegetal bitterness combines with a buttery sweetness and a bit of a roasty tail keeps this tea interesting every time.

I recommend this oolong to fans of oolong teas and milk teas.

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