Lincang Maofeng (Zen Tara Tea)

Considered one of the 10 famous teas of China, this Lincang Maofeng from Zen Tara Tea allows for multiple steeps and has a rich vegetal palate profile.

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/4/4
Company Zen Tara Tea
Blend Name Lincang Maofeng
Blend Base Green
Country of Origin China
Package Type Bag
Price per Package $6.00 USD
Quantity ~ 2 oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

The leaves for this tea are contrasting light and dark green braided leaves. The dry aroma has overtones from its wok firing and vegetal notes you can pick out.

This tea brews a vivid amber liquor and provides a steeped aroma reminiscent of grilled squash and charred leeks.

The flavors are less subtle. Strong astringency with fired notes similar to a camp firey Lapsang Souchong and notes of charred leeks match with nutty textures in the finish and a long tail.

I happen to enjoy these strong teas from time to time and am excited to find another Yunnan tea I can pick from.

I would recommend this tea for fans of Gunpowder green teas, Lapsang Souchong black teas and less malty Assam teas.

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